Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Cornett Family {Portraits}

Over the past few weeks I've had the pleasure of expanding my photography portfolio by spending some time behind my lens with friends and family members! It has been a privilege, honor, and just downright fun! 

This past Sunday I spent part of my afternoon with our friends Liz & Eric Cornett, and their 19 month old bundle-of-energy, Sam! Although he loved the "Sam-sized" chair, we realized early on that a "traditional" family pose just wasn't in the cards. I prefer candid shoots anyway, so I was totally on board when Eric suggested we bribe him with ice cream! It worked like a charm and held is attention just long enough to snap some quick images.

It didn't take long for the sugar to kick in though, giving me the perfect opportunity to put my shutter speed to the test and practice some fun action shots!

Thanks Liz & Eric, for sharing your afternoon with me and letting me capture the love you have for your little guy!

Happy Tuesday, Everyone!